Snippet Saturday: July 31

I’ve been failing on my Snippet Saturday so let’s see what I have for you today!!!

This snippet comes from one of my recent releases: Demon Fire.

A gust of wind raced passed us, sending a chill through me, even with the jacket in place. One of the men on the right side of the circle grunted. My eyes flicked to him. I’d hallucinated before, but never had any of them made noises.

He was a giant of a man, both tall and broad, and he was shirtless. Of course he was. Every inch of him that I could see was corded muscle, not an inch of fat on him. And the amount of muscle was staggering.

I could easily have looked at him all day drooling, but when he stepped toward me, no, stalked toward me, that idea vanished. He didn’t stop until he was right in front of me, solid arms boxing me in as he rested his hands on the car on either side of my body. My back had hit the passenger door as he’d approached, leaving me nowhere to escape.

The man leaned in, breathing deeply near my hair, my face, and then my neck. Each breath he took made his eyes burn brighter and my heartrate spiked and raced with even more wild terror. Either I was going to pass out because I couldn’t suck in enough air or my heart would give out. It was a toss-up to see which one occurred first.

Snarling at me, the man’s gaze returned to mine. “What is wrong with your eyes?”

My eyes widened at the other-worldly sound of his voice, and the lisp on his S’s. It was almost too smooth, and a light vibration and echo of some sort accompanied the sound. I had no idea how else to describe it besides unnerving as he glared at me with eyes that were practically on fire.

Snippet Saturday: Sept 5th

I haven’t done a Snippet Saturday in forever, so let’s start again! This snippet comes from next week’s release, Negative Energy. It’s a standalone in the First Blood world, and reading the original trilogy is not required to understand it. You really don’t want to miss this one.

When I turned around, I spotted a new face sitting at the desk next to my usual place. It wasn’t the shaved sides of his head with a short, spiky mohawk running down the center of his head that first caught my attention. Nor was it the wide, wolfie grin he aimed at me. Nope, it was those deep pools of steel gray eyes that made me come up short when I saw him.

“Hey.” His light, tenor voice shook me from whatever trance those eyes had put me under.

I jerked out of it. “Hi.” Ignoring him, and Theodore’s odd stare, I took my seat and opened the textbook, pretending to read it as two sets of eyes continued to be preoccupied with me.

“The name’s Jackson,” the new boy stated, extending a hand in my direction, which I caught sight of in my peripheral vision.

Turning, I met those gray eyes again and swallowed. “Shannon,” I stated without taking his hand.

The boy’s nose flared, giving him away. Wolf boy. His grin grew wider as my lips pressed into a thin line and worry crept up my spine.

“It’s nice to meet you. I mean it.” Jackson shrugged and looked to the door as a strange female entered the room. The girl took one look at him, and then us, as she strode passed Jackson and took the seat behind him. Jackson ducked his head for a second before turning his attention back to me, the grin plastered back on his face. “So, what’s interesting to do here in town?”

“Nothing,” Theodore stated, voice hard and stern, not the usual tone for my cousin.

The tone didn’t faze Jackson, who stared at me. I shook my head. “Honestly, not much. Small town.”

“I see.” The first bell rang, cutting him off. “I guess I’ll just have to find something to do then.”

He winked at me. My cheeks heated as I turned away. It didn’t help that the girl behind Jackson snorted. The flush crept down my neck and I took a deep breath to steady my emotions, already feeling my power wanting to flare. It didn’t matter the emotion. As long as it was strong, my magic would react to it.

Snippet Saturday: Dec 14

Today’s snippet comes from First Christmas which is currently FREE until Dec 17th!

Free FC

Move out of the way, dragon. She is ours, Drake ordered the man at my back.

“No, she is mine. If you try to harm her, I will kill you.”

My ears pricked at the sound of my mate’s deep, husky voice. I fought a shiver from the lethal edge that chilled the threat in his words. It even caused the dragons on my side of the fight to take a step back. Whoever my mate was, he was not a dragon to be taken lightly, and he hadn’t even thrown a punch or shifted yet.

You should move on, dragon. She isn’t yours. We found her first. Now, step aside. I took notice that Drake’s words were less confident.

The dragon on my left took a step closer, heading toward me, but my mate swung his head around to face him, pulling his top lip back in a feral human snarl. “My mate is not yours. Now, leave before I tear you to pieces. This is your final warning.”

#SnippetSaturday: Nov 8th

It’s Snippet Saturday again! That week rolled by pretty quick. Today’s snippet comes from the upcoming Christmas book, Snowbound Christmas. Here we have Flint meeting some of the North Pole’s occupants! Cider is one of my new faves.



Cocoa House was on the corner of Mistletoe Lane and Christmas Crossing, and like the Bakery, it was bustling inside. A tiny elf with spiky black hair with red tips noticed us walk in and she squealed as she ran around the counter and straight for Lizzette.
“You’re back!” She threw herself into Lizzette’s arms and the two hugged one another for longer than was customary, so they had to be friends, if the excited greeting wasn’t enough to prove that. “Who’s this?”
“This is Flint, he’s the polar bear shifter we brought back with us from Alaska. He likes hugs too.” Lizzette winked at me before the elf threw herself into my arms for a tight squeeze that wasn’t nearly as long as Lizzette’s hug had been, but I didn’t expect it to be any longer considering we were strangers. “Flint, this is Cider, my best friend in Christmas Village. Actually, she’s my bestest friend in the whole of the North Pole.”
Cider stepped back and surveyed me, tapping her fingertip against bright red lips. “Polar bear, huh? I heard Santa was bringing one of them back. So, what, you’re on tour guide duty?” She arched a brow at Lizzette, who grinned and shook her head.
“No, Flint is a friend.”
I’d better end up being more than a friend by the end of this or I’d done something seriously wrong. My bear and I had taken quite a bit of time while shoveling to study our mate, and not in a friendly way. If Lizzette had noticed, she hadn’t said anything. Then again, would she have called me out if she had caught me staring?
Of course she wouldn’t. We weren’t supposed to be anything more than that publicly. This was depressing.
Cider studied me again, and I kept my gaze locked on hers until she nodded. “He’ll do. Okay, now boy, follow me.”
Turning to Lizzette, I gave her a questioning stare, but she shrugged and motioned me to follow her friend. Before I moved, I handed over our muffins, my stomach complaining about giving the food away. Then I followed Cider behind the counter, hesitating to do so until she crooked her finger at me.
“Take your coat off,” Cider ordered, and I did. She took it from me and tossed it into a back room before returning to where she’d left me and handed me a tray with four mugs of hot chocolate on it with four cookies on a center plate. “You see that table in the far corner, this goes to them. Hurry up before it grows cold.”


#Snippet Saturday: Nov 2

First Blood is still free through tomorrow night, so of course today’s snipped comes from that book! It’s also perfect that it’s time for Daylight Savings in the USA so you have an extra hour to read tonight!

Lovely background image with an antique clock face

“Can I ask a personal question?” I asked Shannon, who turned in her seat to stare at me. The wind blew her hair around her face, so she tucked it behind her ear. From the driver’s seat, I could see Luella’s eyes flicker to keep tabs on the conversation.

“Sure, ask away.”

I looked between Shannon and Jackson. “What exactly is your relationship?”

Jackson snorted. “I’m leaving this one to you, Shan.” With that, he turned away from me to curl his body into as much of a ball as he could with the seat belt restraining him. I wasn’t sure how long it would take him to fall asleep, but once he stopped moving, he didn’t move again.

“Well, it’s complicated,” Shannon giggled, answering my question once Jackson was asleep. “We’ve known each other since high school, and he’s been at my side ever since. We were seniors in college when he bonded himself to me as my familiar. Now he can belong to no one else. Me, I’m still free as a bird, but I can’t do that to him. He’s my best friend, and maybe someday more than that. Until then, he’s bound to protect me and assist with my needs.”


“Speaking of men,” Luella crooned. “What about you and Raven? He sure has mellowed out since you drank his blood.”

“Maybe to you,” I grumbled, remembering Raven’s less than stellar mood this morning, “but to me he’s still the same old Raven.”

“Uh huh. That’s why he can’t keep his eyes off you whenever you aren’t looking.”

He did what?

“He likes my eye color.” My floundering retort only served to give Luella another case of the giggles. Even Shannon snickered.

“I hate to say it, Koda, but Luella has a point. He may have been grumpy this morning, but Raven was more mellow this morning than he has been in the years I’ve known him. What happened between you two yesterday?”



Snippet Saturday: August 10

And it’s release day for Zero Tolerance, so of course today’s snippet must come from that book! This book excites me more than most. It’s my favorite book baby thus far. It is a standalone, even though it’s listed as Book 4. It can be read 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th in the First Blood series. It can even be read as its own book and you wouldn’t even have to bother reading the other books because it’s a standalone. Anyway, it’s live today and here’s the snippet!!


The gym wasn’t large, much like Pike had told us, but it was big enough for the two of us. Avery scooted into the room before me and headed straight for a mat where he stood on one side and glared at me, his version of bossing me around and ordering me to spar with him. I didn’t have a weapon, so this could be interesting.

My eyes stung as the room’s lights brightened when they sensed our movement, and I wished I’d remembered to grab my sunglasses. Avery noticed the moisture in my eyes and grinned. I was doomed.

We both readied ourselves, him ready to pounce while I raised my hands in a defensive stance. I’d never faced off with a shifter before yesterday, so I had no idea if this was right or if I needed to handle him another way. I was about to find out.

Avery made the first move, diving at my legs instead of my face like I’d expected. I didn’t have a chance to jump out of the way, and he threw me backward, my body flying away from the mat so I landed hard on the room’s tile floor. Whoever decided to put tile in a gym instead of carpet needed their head examined.

A slow clapping announced we had company as Avery gave my face a quick lick with his rough, long tongue. I pushed him away as he chuffed a laugh, not wanting to know who’d seen me take flight, but also too curious not to know. My eyes landed on a woman who was far slender than most I’d met already who were more burly than slender, well, except for Jezzelle. This woman was much shorter, but also had a gleam in her eyes that warned she wasn’t someone I’d want to mess with.

(Available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited)

Snippet Saturday: April 27

Phoenix Ebook FinalI’ve been failing at remembering to do this on the certain Saturday’s I had listed…so, I’m going to be doing them on whatever Saturday I remember! Or post ahead and schedule when I remember during the week.

This week’s snippet comes from Phoenix Awakened, my newest release! Be on the lookout for snippets of my upcoming pre-order as well.



Stepping out of the bathroom, I found Phoenix standing in a nice pair of khakis with a long sleeved button up under a cardigan. In my head, dinner was casual, so I’d changed back into my jeans and shirt from this morning. Embarrassed by my misunderstanding, I stuttered over a plausible excuse for the way I looked while trying to think if I actually packed clothes that would be suitable to match his.

“Sorry, I forgot my clothes out here and wasn’t going to come out here in a towel, no matter how much you’d enjoy it.” I dug through my suitcase, hands shaking as Phoenix took my shoulders and turned me to face him.

“You look beautiful. I don’t mind if you wear that.”

“I look like a slob. Let me change and I’ll be right out.”

“May I kiss you?”

The question popped out of his mouth so fast I wasn’t sure I’d heard him right, but the nonwavering expression that held mine told me for a fact I’d heard correctly. If this was his way of distracting me, he was succeeding. My gaze flew to his lips, remembering our last, and first, kiss.

“I don’t know if that would be a great idea,” I murmured, trying to make my feet back up, but that was useless since a bed stood right behind me. Then again, sidestepping away would be better. There wasn’t a bed in that direction.

Phoenix’s shoulders slumped. “One little kiss.”

“You’re very pushy, you know that don’t you?”

“I do, yes, but persistence is everything.”

Closing my eyes, I sighed. He was persistent, that was for sure, and that was how he was going to win me over. Patience and persistence. And his gentleness and kindness.

Warm lips brushed mine as stiff bristles rubbed against the sensitive skin around my mouth. Unlike last time, there was no burning desire or unbridled passion behind the kiss, only a gentle sweetness that was Phoenix. After a few seconds, he leaned back and I opened my eyes.

“I didn’t say yes.”

“But you didn’t say no.” He grinned. “Next time I’ll wait for an answer.”

Snippet Saturday: March 16

Are you ready for another snippet from Phoenix Awakened? It’s less than a month away from releasing now! I can’t wait for you to be able to read it. It’s also still available for only $.99!

Phoenix Teaser 4

“Good, they’re here,” my companion murmured, eyeing the other car.

A hotel room door to the right opened and a tan skinned man with wavy black hair and a beard nearly identical to Phoenix’s stepped out and nodded before heading back inside. He shut the door, leaving it cracked so we could enter but the brisk morning air couldn’t sweep inside at full force.

“Let’s go and get this over with.”

Phoenix unbuckled and climbed from the car and I mimicked his actions, peering up at the now cloudless sky. Nothing fluttered above, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t someone up there, or following in a car. Forcing myself to turn away, I followed my large companion as he led the way to the hotel room. He held the door for me and closed it behind us, activating every lock the door had. There weren’t enough in my opinion.

“Phoenix, you said this was urgent,” a tall, thin woman announced, striding from the bathroom after we were securely inside. Her accent was thick, but I’d never heard anything like it. It was almost a voice that was out of this world, or maybe just from a part of the world I’d never ventured: the water. “What’s wrong?”

His lips were pressed into a thin line when he pointed toward my tracking bracelet. “We need that removed. You’re the only person I know who might be able to take it off.”

The woman eyed me, her dark curls shimmering in the room’s dim light. “I see. And who is this exactly?”

“Louisa, Chet, this is Sparks,” Phoenix introduced. “She’s a fire dragon. Sparks, this is Louisa, the undine I mentioned, and her husband, Chet.”

Louisa’s eyes narrowed as Chet’s eyes widened. Obviously he was still growing used to the world of the supernatural. Or he was surprised that a fire dragon existed since even Phoenix had thought we were extinct. The undine didn’t appear the least bit shocked. If anything she seemed perturbed.

“Why would I help a fire dragon?” Louisa asked, crossing her arms over her chest to glare at her cousin, or at least Phoenix had said this was his cousin…of sorts.

“I need her help,” he replied, his eyes spilling a desperation he tried to keep out of his voice. “I think…I think she’s my link.”

His link? I had no idea what that was, but by the shocked, raised eyebrows on Louisa’s face and her suddenly wide eyes, she knew exactly what that meant. It wouldn’t do me any good to ask about it yet since I doubted Phoenix would explain, at least until the tracker was removed.

“I see. You’re sure?” Louisa once again studied me, this time in a far less aggressive way, but still intense.

“No, but I felt the draw, and I’m hoping by removing the bracelet we’ll find the mark.”

And now I was done being patient.




#TeaserTuesday with a twist!

Hello there beautiful Tuesday! Monday was way too long, so it’s good to have you back with us once again. Time to show off what a friend and I have been working on!

We’ve all seen movie trailers, or at least I hope we have. Unknown to some people is that book trailers are now becoming a thing. I’ve created a few of them, but this is the first time I’ve teamed up with my friend, Sharon Drury, to do it. She is the amazing musical talent behind this video. The song is original, and totally all her doing. I sent the video to her, she created the amazing music to go with it. You should check out more of her work at:

This trailer is for my upcoming release, which is on pre-order right now, and for only $.99! Phoenix Awakened is a New Adult Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy. See below for the summary. If you love dragons, elementals, and one hot Phoenix, this is your read. You can view snippets of this books (and others) on my Snippet Saturday posts!

Fire Dragons, the most powerful dragon race on Earth.

Until the war left them as shadows of the race they once were.

Little more than slaves to the water dragons, they’re kept in line through destitute conditions and tracking devices. Sparks has known both lives, the prosperous and the starving, so when the opportunity arises for a little indulgence, she jumps at the chance, setting into motion a chain of events from which there is no turning back. With her fire power and dragon acting out, Sparks has no choice but to attempt escape, or face the consequences of her actions.

On the run, Sparks’s countdown begins. If she can’t remove the tracker, she’s dead. So when a gorgeous stranger shows up offering his help in exchange for hers, she has little choice but to accept. It isn’t long before Sparks discovers that Phoenix may be more than he seems, and that their lives are tied together in ways neither expected. Time is of the essence, but will they have enough to save both Sparks and her people from the water dragons?



Snippet Saturday: March 2

Today’s Snippet is from Phoenix Awakened, my upcoming release! Available for pre-order. Releasing April 13th.

The closer the car came, the more the headlights blinded me. When the car pulled up beside me, I was able to make out the outline of a large jeep, which likely had four-wheel drive and could navigate in this slush better than my bald-tired car. Instead of rolling the driver’s window down like I thought would happen, the driver opened the door and hopped out. Since my eyesight was still clear, I was able to make out his ginger colored hair that I assumed had once been styled so the longer hair on top was slicked back, but at the moment, a long day of mussing with it had the strands falling out of place to cover the shorter trimmed sides. A thick, short beard helped shield his face from the wind, and a thick coat that hugged his body shielded a manly torso.
Phoenix Teaser 6However, it was his height that stalled my footsteps as he approached, and I tried to keep my anxiety in check. This man was well over six feet tall, rivalling a male dragon. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe they would come from the other direction, and maybe they wouldn’t want to end me quickly, but take their time beating me to a pulp.
It took the man until he was on top of me to notice my tense stance and wary glare. When he did, he stepped closer and reached out to me, like I was a deer ready to flee. I retreated as he stepped closer, but he was well within range of my senses.
Taking a deep breath, I scented the air for the scent of dragon. None reached me. Human, then. Still, that didn’t mean he wasn’t a threat. At this point, everyone was considered a threat to my existence.
“I didn’t mean to startle you,” he murmured in a rough baritone voice, stepping closer.
Sure he didn’t. I moved into a defensive position, keeping my hands in front of my face just like my father taught me. If he came any closer, I’d kick him in the family jewels, which I learned from my mother. My parents had both made sure I knew how to protect myself. Since he was human, I’d have to be gentler so I wouldn’t permanently damage him since dragons were far stronger than his kind. That didn’t mean I’d have to take it easy on him, though. I’d bring him to the ground without hesitation and remorse. Then I would run.


Phoenix Awakened: